Wednesday, 1 January 2014

The 5 Worst Movies of 2013 Include Gangster Squad, Hangover Part III and More

2013 was a magic year for movies! Unfortunately, several star-studded flicks did not make the cut according to Us Weekly 's film critic Mara Reinstein. Check out the 5 worst movies of the year below.

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5. Hangover Part III

The poster tagline: “It All Ends.” Promise? The trilogy went out with a whimper as “The Wolfpack” (Bradley Cooper , Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis ) head back to Las Vegas to rescue a kidnapped blah blah blah. . .. doesn’t matter. Put it this way: When you’re watching a comedy and find yourself feeling nostalgic for Mike Tyson’s way with a punch line, it’s time to turn out the neon lights.

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4. Gangster Squad

Released and buried waaaaaay back in January, this cliche-ridden drama about the 1940s L.A. mobster scene never feels authentic. That's a disappointment. The fact that the film features cartoonish, career-worst performances from Sean Penn , Josh Brolin , Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone ? That's a crime.

3. Stoker

There’s a fine line between a provocative, stylish thriller and pretentious art-house dreck, and this one crosses it. Nicole Kidman is the icy widow who lets her cold-blooded brother-in-law move in and care for her frosty daughter. The extended pauses and morose characterizations are so off-putting, audiences at one Sundance Film Festival screening walked out in droves. Those who didn’t were probably too lazy to crawl over the people sitting in their aisle.

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2. About Time

It’s Valentine’s Day 2014. A seemingly pleasant romance from the writer of Love, Actually and the star of The Notebook pops up on your Netflix queue. Now, ever so gently, put down that remote right now!!!! Pedigree aside, this is nothing but a manipulative and bafflingly inept story about a guy (Domhnall Gleeson) who time travels — then promptly meets his dream girl (Rachel McAdams ). Like you really need a heavy-handed sap-fest to tell you to enjoy life’s most precious moments?

MORE: The top 10 movies of 2013

1. White House Down

Sorry, Channing Tatum ! Still love you! But, wow, was this a bloated and hackneyed disaster -- even by awful summer of ’13 standards. (Talking to you, Lone Ranger, 2 Guns, Smurfs and Man of Steel). Tatum is the security guard trying to protect the president (Jamie Foxx ) from lunatics. Not a single shred of originality is on the agenda, other than a scene in which Tatum chats with a squirrel. Calling this cheesy fun just insults audiences. And cheese.

This article originally appeared on The 5 Worst Movies of 2013 Include Gangster Squad, Hangover Part III and More

from Miley Cirus


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